Bleeding wolves reborn

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Lien Matthew (Matthew Lien作曲、编曲、演奏)
Published: 新汇集团上海音像有限公司
Publisher Address: 上海
Publication Dates: 2011
Literature type: Audio
Language: English
Carrier Form: 1CD: 立体声 ; 12cm
ISBN: 978-7-7993-1409-9
Index Number: J657
CLC: J657.692
Call Number: #CD/140926
Contents: 1.Flying squirrel creek(飞鼠溪) 2.These wings(归乡之翼) 3.Bressanone(布列瑟农) 4.Before the war(战前) 5.Bleeding wolves(狼) 6.Tears over shetland(哭泣的雷特兰) 7.Of strength and sorrow(力量与悲伤) 8.Bedtime stories(床边故事) 9.And then there were none(再无所有) 10.In silent repose(宁静的安息) 11.Longing for bressanone(重返布列瑟农) 12.Message in a bottle(瓶中信)