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21岁当总裁 = How I became CEO at 21

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: 董思阳 (董思阳著)
Published: 团结出版社
Publisher Address: 北京
Publication Dates: 2014
Literature type: Book
Language: Chinese
Carrier Form: 210页: 照片 ; 24cm
ISBN: 978-7-5126-2266-1
Index Number: K825
CLC: K825.38
Call Number: K825.38/4167-2
Contents: 本书作者董思阳以饱含深情的细腻笔触描写了自己从一位不谙世事的小女孩,到只身留学海外,边读书边打工,成为坐拥亿万财富的女总裁的创富传奇。