劳斯莱斯 = Rolls royce:老牛仔

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Bibliographic Details
Published: 深圳音像公司
Publisher Address: 深圳
Publication Dates: 2011
Literature type: Audio
Language: English
Carrier Form: 1CD: 立体声 ; 12cm1歌词(30页)
ISBN: 7-88517-204-6
Index Number: J652
CLC: J652
Call Number: #CD/131764
Contents: 专为(劳斯莱斯打造乡村情歌)
1.Sorry seems to be the hardest word 2.Little bitty 3.Hotel california .Will the circle be unbrokene 5.Lady 6.Unchain my heart 7.Chicken fried 8.Aint no cure for love 9.Whiskey lullaby 10.Love will keep us alive 11.You man 12.Whenever you come around 13.Crying in the rain 14.Unchained melody 15.I will always love you 16.北国之春(吉他)