Extreme right parties in Western Europe

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Ignazi Piero
Published: Oxford University Press,
Publisher Address: Oxford New York
Publication Dates: 2003.
Literature type: Book
Language: English
Series: Comparative politics
Carrier Form: ix, 259 p.: ; 25 cm.
ISBN: 0198293259 (alk. paper)
Index Number: D750
CLC: D750.64
Call Number: D750.64/I247
Contents: Includes bibliographical references (p. [224]-250) and index.
Meanings and varieties of the right -- From ideologies to parties -- Italy: the faded Beacon and the populist surge -- Germany: the spectre that never materialized -- France: prototype of the new extreme right -- Austria: away from liberalism -- Belgium: right extremism and ethnic nationalism -- Scandinavia: the progress parties between protest and extremism -- The Netherlands: a fleeting extreme right -- Great Britain: a case of failure -- The Mediterranean countries: too late for nostalgia, too early for post-material protest -- Extreme right parties: the by-product of a "silent counter-re