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群书治要360. 第二册 = The governing principles of ancient china: based on 360 passages excerpted hrom the original compilation of Qunshu Zhiyao:汉英对照

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: 唐 魏征 ((唐)魏征,褚遂良,虞世南等编); 唐 褚遂良; 唐 虞世南
Corporate Authors: 马来西亚汉学院
Published: 世界知识出版社
Publisher Address: 北京
Publication Dates: 2019
Literature type: Book
Language: Chinese
Carrier Form: 12,516页: ; 22cm
ISBN: 978-7-5012-6082-9
Index Number: D691
CLC: D691.5
Call Number: D691.5/2422-23#2
Contents: 本书从《群书治要》中精选360条引文,分为君道、臣术、贵德、为政、敬慎、明辨六个章节,旨在方便读者把握《群书治要》的要义。每一条引文,既有白话翻译,也有英文翻译,不仅方便国内各级领导者日常学习参考