Asia's new institutional architecture:evolving structures for managing trade, financial, and security relations

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Bibliographic Details
Group Author: Aggarwal Vinod K; Koo Min Gyo
Published: Springer,
Publisher Address: Berlin
Publication Dates: c2008.
Literature type: Book
Language: English
Series: The political economy of the Asia Pacific
Carrier Form: xvi, 321 p.: ill. ; 25 cm.
ISBN: 9783540723882
Index Number: F130
CLC: F130.0
Call Number: F130.0/A832-2
Contents: Includes bibliographical references and index.
Asia's new institutional architecture : evolving structures for managing trade, financial, and security relations / Vinod K. Aggarwal and Min Gyo Koo -- Asia's new economic institutions / John Ravenhill -- Building Asian security institutions under the triple shocks : competitive, complementary or juxtaposed? / Keiichi Tsunekawa -- Regional arrangements for trade in Northeast Asia : cooperation and competition between China and Japan / Mie Oba -- Security institutions in Northeast Asia : multilateral responses to structural changes / Min Ye -- Southeast Asia's new institutional architecture