Changing tax law in East and Southeast Asia towards the 21st century

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Bibliographic Details
Group Author: Zhang Yong; Fuke Toshiro
Published: Kluwer Law International,
Publisher Address: The Hague
Publication Dates: c1997.
Literature type: Book
Language: English
Series: Public law in East and Southeast Asia ; v. 2
Carrier Form: xxiv, 295 p.: ill. ; 25 cm.
ISBN: 9041104917 (hardcover : alk. paper)
Index Number: D930
CLC: D930.22
Call Number: D930.22/C456/
Contents: Papers originally prepared for the symposium Tax law in East and Southeast Asia towards the 21st century, held at Leyden University on 4 and 5 July, 1996.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 279-287) and index.