东蒙古辽代旧城探考记 = The cxploration of the ancient cities of eastern mongolia in the liao

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: 牟里 (牟里(Jos. Mullie)原著); Mullie Jos.
Group Author: 冯承钧 (译述)
Published: 商务印书馆
Publisher Address: 上海
Publication Dates: 民国十九年九月[1930.9]印行
Literature type: Book
Language: Chinese
Series: 尚志学会丛书 = Shang chih shue wei series
Carrier Form: 118页: 图表 ; 19×13cm
Index Number: K871
CLC: K871.44
Call Number: 123087
Contents: 印:上海市立图书馆藏。