走向国际旅游岛:外商在中国海南投资的优惠政策和法律保障 = Move towards the international tourism island:preferential policy and legal guarantee that the foreign businessman makes an investment in Hainan of China

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: 王晶 (1951- ) (王晶编著)
Published: 吉林大学出版社
Publisher Address: 长春
Publication Dates: 2010
Literature type: Book
Language: Chinese
Carrier Form: 524页: ; 24cm
ISBN: 978-7-5601-5161-8
Index Number: F127
CLC: F127.66
Call Number: F127.66/1166
Contents: 本书内容包括:海南投资环境、海南国际旅游岛、海南省投资优惠政策、市县投资环境与优惠政策、法律保障。