The complete guide to public safety cycling

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Bibliographic Details
Corporate Authors: International Police Mountain Bike Association
Published: Jones and Bartlett Publishers,
Publisher Address: Sudbury, Mass.
Publication Dates: c2008.
Literature type: Book
Language: English
Edition: 2nd ed.
Carrier Form: xi, 254 p.: col. ill. ; 28 cm.
ISBN: 9780763744335
Index Number: D523
CLC: D523.3
Call Number: D523.3/C737/2nd.ed.
Contents: Includes bibliographical references and index.
Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Section 1. Public safety cycling. Chapter 1. A brief history of public safety cycling -- Chapter 2. The public safety bike unit -- Chapter 3. Bicycles -- Chapter 4. On-bike equipment -- Chapter 5. Clothing and personal protective equipment -- Chapter 6. Training and policy -- Chapter 7. Fundamental cycling skills -- Chapter 8. Vehicular cycling -- Chapter 9. Hazards and crashes -- Chapter 10. Continuing skill development -- Chapter 11. Cycling at night -- Chapter 12. Bicycle maintenance and repairs -- Chapter 13. Basic nutrition -- Chapter 14. Basic physical fi
The use of bicycles by police, EMS, and security personnel continues to grow along with increased awareness of the benefits of an extremely mobile team of first responders. While the reasons for implementing a bicycle unit may vary, the goal of each agency is the same: to provide assistance to those who need it as quickly, safely, and effectively as possible. In the past, officers and agencies seeking to get a public safety bike unit rolling had to look far and wide to assemble the necessary information. This manual is a source of in-depth information on starting a bike unit or enhancing an